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"L_ODGE-K" 5 majors!

You think you got away again:
Done the wrong and not paid for the sin,
But the guilt your mind denies.
||I can see it in your eyes||

It's no wonder you can't sleep,
With what you dream,
Paralyzed by your fear,
Where you can't scream,
||And now nothing's as it seems||

So persistent in entitlement,
Yet remorseless for the blood you've spent,
Now you're preying on the innocents' fear,
||But their wounds don't disappear||

"Just 'cause you close your eyes'
Doesn't mean you can hide."

It's no wonder you can't sleep,
With what you dream,
Paralyzed by your fear,
Where you can't scream,
||And now nothing's as it seems||

Try to stuff it down; it just comes back around,
You try to stuff it down; it just comes back around.

It's no wonder you can't sleep,
With what you dream,
Paralyzed by your fear,
Where you can't scream,
||And now nothing's as it seems||

People will come and exploit, Get Benefited;
Will Cry for the loss who didn't care when you're alive;
Criminals are blamed for no reason, Exploiter are ones,
Just remember me when i am gone. 
Don't play with death. Fight for me when I am alive;
Not when I am Dead. It only results in,
No Benefit, No live, No Ones!

You can't just close your eyes,
You can never hide.
Just try to stuff it down:
||It just comes back around||

|Oppression and Exploitation by those who think they've hoodwinked you.
You know what they're doing, but you have no other choice.
Those who oppress may not feel guilt in waking life, but will be plagued with nightmares and insomnia until their karma recovers or they right their wrongs.
All you can hope is that, one day, the guilt will emerge from the subconscious, remorse will come and the abuse and exploitation will stop|

 LENGTH: Oppression  • Dreams • Guilt • Exploitation leads to • Karma



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