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Do you know me?

You talk a lot about me,
You are Brilliant, You are Smart.
You are the best in the business, I accept!
Do you really know me?
You say me a coward, You say me a loser, 
You say me Ugly, You even say me a Womanizer.
You call me names or assume we're the same but,
Do you really know me?
You say I've never done anything wrong.
You believe because I don't want to fight you I'm not strong but,
Do you really know me?
Further more if you knew me, would you even see?
My struggle to figure out who I'm trying to be,
You call me lazy and say I always try to avoid class,
But my reason are legitimate and you'd know If you bothered to ask.
Do you really know me?
You criticize what I do and don't do, say and don't say,
Never bothering to realize to wonder why I am this way.
And all the while you go on about how you are a leader,
Even though you follow others because its what most people do.
Do you really know me?
You can't be a sheep and still lead, not that you ever tried,
But I think there's more to you to tell the truth,
So I ignore all the insults you throw my way.
Do you really know me?
I'll take a few mean words cause I can see,
That maybe you're in your own pain
and that is why you try to hurt me.
Only thing that annoyed me is with no reason.
Do you really know me? 
I'll never be the hypocrite and do the same,
Because i admit even though I know your name,
I don't really know you or what your going through
And unlike a certain someone I'd never assume to.
You know me now, yes I am the Guy!
With Only Question I have,



  1. Literally I enjoyed n loved this one.Its relatable...

    'I think you think you know me' sounds good ��������


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